Ernie Lewis

Ernie Lewis

ERNIE LEWIS   Bakersfield CA   Front Porch    Acoustic    Country-Rock

Multi-instrumentalist, Ernie Lewis has released an amazing catalog of albums in the last 2 years, and is considered a Renaissance Man in his field. Hailing from  Ft. Leonard Wood, MO,  he spent his childhood in the early ’60s playing in the woods, picking boysenberries, and learning his first tunes on his brother’s Harmony acoustic guitar. In 1966 he moved with his family to Bakersfield, California and since then he has performed in a number of established California-based groups.

While keeping a steady-as-you-go attitude, and playing out with musicians from all walks of life, Ernie has honed and fine-tuned his signature sound through constant recording and his passionate involvement with writing songs that speak of the love and light of the human experience.

If you need a pick-me-up, Lewis delivers time after time with numbers that roll around in your heart and mind long after the music is over. There’s a reason why so many radio stations are adding this artist to their playlist – Ernie Lewis is a hit-songwriter just waiting to be discovered!

Here’s where you can go to sample and buy, or simply enjoy Ernie’s music
Web   Bandcamp  iTunes   Amazon   ReverbNation   Sound Cloud   Sonic Bids   Facebook   Twitter   YouTube

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