Sons of Zeno

Sons of Zeno

SONS OF ZENO    Denver CO    Original American    Roots     Rock

The Sons of Zeno are Dennis Chamberlain and Bruce Bouck. Established in 1776, the Sons bring their unique perspective on all matters topical and musical, with a twist of American humor on the side.  Dennis is a Detroit native, and like Bruce has been a Denver resident since the mid 1800’s. A musical Jack of many trades, he writes his songs in a variety of styles, often composing them during his notorious sleepwalking binges.  Bruce hails from Kansas City, and has been living in Denver since the early 1800’s. His complex guitar solos are a trademark of the Sons of Zeno, and he has a fine singing voice that reminds one of a cross between Johnny Cash and Jerry Garcia.

The SOZ are notorious for writing unthinkable parodies on life, love, and everything in between, with ultra-cool deliveries on their 3 kick-ass albums:

Numero Zeno
Son Shades

This duo shines a big light on the deepest, darkest secrets we try to keep hidden from the masses, and lets you breathe easy when you see the folly of it all, making all seem right with our world.

Sample their music, download some songs, and lighten your load with this fantastic voyage through the world of the Sons.

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