Be Grateful – Love Is No Joke!

baby love bath

Today is April Fools’ Day 2016. Facebook has this thing about sending us sweet reminders of stuff we have posted, liked, and loved during our visits to their site. In fact, after gazillions of people saying: Sure wish they had a LOVE BUTTON on here! it finally appeared. Power to the people right on!

Meanwhile, today there was a reminder about a post I made in 2014 as I was generating My Top 10 Gratitude List every day on my personal page. If you don’t mind, I’ll share the list from two years ago. The baby Orangutan went along with it, and who could not fall in love with this baby?

TOP TEN GRATITUDE LIST FOR APRIL FOOLS’ DAY – and I’m not kidding! All good news — friends — family — animal family — salads — blue skies — warm nights — the healing power of forgiveness — the stabilizing power of gratitude – Love is a fact and there’s plenty for everyone. What are you grateful for???

Thing about gratitude is that no matter what is going on around us, it lifts us above the fray and turmoil of the world, and surrounds us with a calm presence that radiates from our inner being, sharing its calming essence with those around us as well. Groovy thing about gratitude is that it is free and accessible for each of us.

Now is the best time in the world to make your own Gratitude List and share it with the world either as a post or simply through the power of your thoughts, as a gentle reminder that Love is the Answer.

Carmen Allgood © April 2016 (and 2014)

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