Sharpshooter Fires 150 Rounds At Eagle To Save Its Life

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On June 30, U.S. Army Veteran, Jason Galvin, and his wife, Jackie, were spending the 4th of July holiday at their Rush City, Minnesota cabin when they spotted an American Bald Eagle dangling upside down in a tree with a rope wrapped around one leg. After notifying authorities about the… Continue reading

4/20 Singing ‘Reefer Blues’ While On Legal Roll

joint in motion

Despite all the news about decriminalizing cannabis around the world, a segment of society still has a Reefer Madness mentality etched into its psyche. And even though marijuana is the most popular “illegal drug” used worldwide, there are those who firmly believe that smoking pot is a gateway to hard drugs such as… Continue reading

Destress In The Material World – For Free!

unwind get in tune

We can spend a small fortune trying to maintain our health and optimize our energy for the duration of our visit here. In reality, the most beneficial measures we can take to release the stress and toxicity we accumulate are free and readily available for everyone. In order to heal… Continue reading

The Answer Is Blowing In The Wind

Leaf bowl engineers

This gallery contains 6 photos.

In 1938, Dow Chemical unloaded a product called polystyrene, a.k.a. plastic No. 6, on unsuspecting earthlings, with the unhappy result of nearly clogging the planet to death. The product ultimately changed its trade name to Styrofoam, and if left unchecked, the ecological impact is too huge to be fully measured. No one seems confident that the damage can ever… Continue reading

New Zealand! Drew Bowden Takes You There …

drew bowden nz

Independent artist, Drew Bowden delivers the goods visually along with a sonic wave that carries us to the peace and serenity of our inner vibe with this award-winning song and video. If you have never been to New Zealand, sit back, relax and explore the wonder and mystery of this beautiful country. Majestic mountains, tropical forests, stunning sunny beaches, and a wee slice of Kiwiana countryside & surfing kids who catch the waves whenever they can.  Continue reading