Cutting Edge

Cutting Edge

CUTTING EDGE      Phoenix AZ      Power Rock     Soul     All Original

Fifteen years in the making, Cutting Edge lives up to its name. Starting out with a  zany little song poking fun at the politicians doing a dance step called the DC Shuffle was just the beginning of an illustrious career, which has taken this band to the top as indie artists. DC Shuffle was distributed to 500 music industry specialists as a holiday gift, and the rest, as they say, is history.

With six astonishing albums under their belt, the heart and soul of this group is formed by Dave Pesnell, William Zimmerman, and Liza Pesnell.

In July 2011, Cutting Edge became the first indie band in history to have two songs debut inside the Top 20 of the Billboard Hot Singles Sales Charts during the same week.  The song Without You spent 8 weeks inside the Top 20 and peaked at #7, while If The Walls Could Talk spent 7 weeks inside the Top 20 and peaked at #11. They even beat out Lady Gaga for crying out loud!

Volumes have been written about this band, but let’s just cut to the chase and  let you read it for yourself in Songtrust

Get the full picture here!
Web    ReverbNation    Broadjam   Youtube

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