The Informants

The Informants

THE INFORMANTS    Denver CO    Blues    Soul   Rockabilly

“These folks are nasty and fun my friends… Beware, judging from what I’ve been hearing, they will not be Denver’s little secret for long.”
– Elwood Blues aka Dan Aykroyd

For the members of the Informants and their fans, 2008 is affectionately remembered as the year of the band’s arrival, but this year will be remembered as the year of the band’s ascension. Just as the summer heat of 2009 was kicking in, so was the buzz about the Informants’ follow-up to the critically acclaimed 2007 debut, Stiletto Angel. So it was no surprise that in early July word came from the band’s label, Wipe It Off! Records, that Crime Scene Queen would finally be released.

Stiletto Angel was released in November 2007 to the warm embrace of critics, with Westword including it among the Best 2007 Local Releases. This album’s distinctive, universally appealing modern roots sound caught the ear of House of Blues Radio Hour host Dan Aykroyd, who featured the title track as the “Blues Breaker” song of the week and said of the band, “they will not be Denver’s little secret for long.” He was right. Since then more than 300 radio stations worldwide have added the CD to rotation, including a rare #1 debut at WPTS-FM Pittsburgh.

Behind the success of Stiletto Angel The Informants truly had arrived. In 2008 and 2009 they were awarded the Westword Music Showcase “Best Blues” Award and a nomination by the Blues Festival Guide for “2009 Blues Artist on The Rise.” They landed a television feature on the Altitude Network music programOn Stage, a radio licensing deal, and a song in a surf flick. The Informants also shared stages with Koko Taylor, Tab Benoit, Marcia Ball, John Lee Hooker Jr., Henry Butler, Eddie Turner, Firefall, Lifehouse, KT Tunstall, the Railbenders — not to mention Virginia Governor and current DNC Chairman Tim Kaine on the blues harp during the Democratic National Convention.

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