Independent artist, Drew Bowden delivers the goods visually along with a sonic wave that carries us to the peace and serenity of our inner vibe with this award-winning song and video. If you have never been to New Zealand, sit back, relax and explore the wonder and mystery of this beautiful country. Majestic mountains, tropical forests, stunning sunny beaches, and a wee slice of Kiwiana countryside & surfing kids who catch the waves whenever they can. Continue reading
Author: love-adminer
3 Rules 4 Love

Enjoy a flashback to sweet memories when One Love wholeheartedly captured the hearts and imagination of people around the world. Don’t allow the attraction to truth and reality be silenced in the face of seeming adversity. The love wave never ceases to soothe the soul of every generation, always casting a bright light on a… Continue reading
Where Have All The Flowers Gone?

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In 1967 we saw “The Summer of Love” gathering speed, setting the stage in San Francisco for a radical change that no one could have predicted. Perhaps Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce saw it coming. And Artie Kornfeld, one of the producers of the biggest rock concert to ever step foot on… Continue reading
How To Be Happy In 3 Easy Steps

If we narrow our search down to one word that describes how we would like to feel all the time, “bliss” covers all the bases. As a noun it means: Perfect happiness and joy. The verb denotes: To reach a state of perfect happiness, typically so as to be oblivious… Continue reading
Slinky Inky Disappears Into Wild Blue Yonder

Can we admit it? Every creature, great and small, yearns for absolute freedom in this world. Many people still struggle with the idea that animals are sentient beings, and have deep feelings and alliances, just as we do. It seems to be expressed in a language most humans cannot speak or fully understand.… Continue reading
The Choice Made Clear – Choose Love Or Fear

Until we can pinpoint the underlying cause of fear we will struggle with the unrest that diminishes the awareness and experience of our own perfect peace and joy, which is our natural inheritance. When we narrow it down to all the emotions we can experience, the good news is there are only… Continue reading
One Man’s Huge Love Saves 500 Dogs +

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Article revised February 23, 2019 More than 1,100 dogs at three big rescue centers need your help. Please consider donating to keep things moving through their Crowd Funding Page There’s a saying about dogs that rings true for dog owners everywhere: If you want loyalty, get a dog! And it… Continue reading
Be Grateful – Love Is No Joke!

Today is April Fools’ Day 2016. Facebook has this thing about sending us sweet reminders of stuff we have posted, liked, and loved during our visits to their site. In fact, after gazillions of people saying: Sure wish they had a LOVE BUTTON on here! it finally appeared. Power to… Continue reading
Sowing The Seeds Of Love And Peace

The primary obstacle to our personal peace of mind is our unconscious desire to get rid of peace. Don’t believe it? How often do we say or think something along these lines? “If someone else had behaved or spoken differently I wouldn’t be upset or angry.” If we feel okay… Continue reading
My Secret Aloe Vera Farm

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Many people recognize and value the healing properties that Aloe Vera has for burns, bruises, or insect bites. My personal experience with it has gone much deeper than that, which is not to downplay any healing properties we discover in natural sources in the world while we are on our journey here.… Continue reading