Destress In The Material World – For Free!

unwind get in tune

We can spend a small fortune trying to maintain our health and optimize our energy for the duration of our visit here. In reality, the most beneficial measures we can take to release the stress and toxicity we accumulate are free and readily available for everyone. In order to heal… Continue reading

The Choice Made Clear – Choose Love Or Fear

red love heart

Until we can pinpoint the underlying cause of fear we will struggle with the unrest that diminishes the awareness and experience of our own perfect peace and joy, which is our natural inheritance. When we narrow it down to all the emotions we can experience, the good news is there are only… Continue reading

The Attraction Of Love For Love

zinnias on the rocks

“If our deepest desire is any sort of reflection of what our reality is, then it stands to reason that Love is what we are.” Excerpt from the book “Beyond Diapers” by Carmen Allgood The perfect anonymous gift. Read chapter titles, excerpts, and summaries in Beyond Diapers here. Order E-Books… Continue reading

The ‘Kumbaya Experience’ – What The World Needs Now

Kumbaya Campfire

This gallery contains 4 photos.

Show Me The Meaning Of The Word Most of us know the words to the spiritual folk song “Kumbaya.” Boy and Girl Scouts, families, and friends have been singing it softly in perfect harmony around campfires for nearly 100 years. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that this beloved sing-along is still… Continue reading