3 Rules 4 Love

hand it to you

Enjoy a flashback to sweet memories when One Love wholeheartedly captured the hearts and imagination of people around the world. Don’t allow the attraction to truth and reality be silenced in the face of seeming adversity. The love wave never ceases to soothe the soul of every generation, always casting a bright light on a… Continue reading

Where Have All The Flowers Gone?

Woodstock stage

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In 1967 we saw “The Summer of Love” gathering speed, setting the stage in San Francisco for a radical change that no one could have predicted. Perhaps Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce saw it coming. And Artie Kornfeld, one of the producers of the biggest rock concert to ever step foot on… Continue reading

Slinky Inky Disappears Into Wild Blue Yonder

Can we admit it? Every creature, great and small, yearns for absolute freedom in this world. Many people still struggle with the idea that animals are sentient beings, and have deep feelings and alliances, just as we do. It seems to be expressed in a language most humans cannot speak or fully understand.… Continue reading

One Man’s Huge Love Saves 500 Dogs +

Dog biscuits are good

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Article revised February 23, 2019 More than 1,100 dogs at three big rescue centers need your help.  Please consider donating to keep things moving through their Crowd Funding Page There’s a saying about dogs that rings true for dog owners everywhere: If you want loyalty, get a dog! And it… Continue reading

My Secret Aloe Vera Farm

Aloe In The Family

This gallery contains 8 photos.

Many people recognize and value the healing properties that Aloe Vera has for burns, bruises, or insect bites. My personal experience with it has gone much deeper than that, which is not to downplay any healing properties we discover in natural sources in the world while we are on our journey here.… Continue reading